
project 365 day 6 - My Cake!

My Cake!

Jack said his first two-word sentence today. How exciting.  It was "my cake" or more accurately  " mmmyyyyy caaaaaaaaaaaaaaakke!!!" yep, he was a little excited. Then a little over-excited and then suddenly miserable.  It's tough being a toddler, apparently.

project 365 day 5 - Weekend WIP

left sock

A work in progress . . . a cashmere sock. I knit it's mate about a year ago and have vowed to take the time to finish the pair before Valentine's Day.  Of this year.  That's in two weeks.  I figure even if Valentine's Day is a disappointment (which is quite possible, the hubs and I are really bad at being romatic) I'll be wearing fabulous cashmere socks.


project 365 day 4


The world's oldest dog.  He's not allowed on the furniture because he pees his furry little britches.  This is what I found when I returned home today. Nice Bruno, real nice. At least he's sleeping in a basket of diapers, I guess.

p.s. yes, those are TOTALLY christmas pillow covers. Yes, I do realize it's almost February.


project 365 day 3


Sorting snaps . . . with Jacks's help.  Dangerous business I tell you.


project 365 day 2

I've been thinking this morning about what exactly I hope to accomplish with this project.  My goal is not to become a professional photographer. I don't have a lot of time to devote to taking and editing pictures.  So what, then, is the point?

I suppose the point is to take out the camera every day and look for inspiration.  To get that part of my brain working.  The point is also to preserve this year of my life in photos.  Mundane photos of things like carseats and sippy cups because soon enough those things won't be part of our every day experience (well, you know, relatively speaking . . . we've still got several years to go with the carseats and sippy cups). To get photos of the things we spend most of our time doing, like playing dress up and eating cookies . . .

Anyway, without further ado, here's today's photo

two tutus


project 365 day 1

A photo a day for a year. Easy, right? Probably not, but here we go.
Day 1 -

Sippy Cup

Thrilling subject for my first photo, no?  Just keepin' it real.  My goals for the year are to learn how to use my camera properly and to get my house clean enough so I'm not embarrassed about all the junk in the background of pictures I take in here. 


bikinis or briefs?

I spent a fair amount of time a few nights ago trying to explain to my dear husband the difference between women's briefs and bikini panties.  Briefs are the ones that come up so high I can tuck them under my boobs.  Well, if my boobs are having an especially droopy day. Which they sometimes do.  Briefs are the ones that stick out a good 2 inches over the tops of my pants.  Briefs are the ones that I wore when I was 10 months pregnant and I needed all that fabric to cover my massive behind. 

Bikinis are the ones I wear. You know, like, every day.  Regular underwear.  Come on, you've seen me in my underwear more than a few times in the past 9 years, right?

At the time I wasn't sure why we were having this particular discussion.  We always get eachother socks and underpants for Christmas (because if you can't wear brand new socks and underwear Christmas will be ruined, duh. ) This year he bought me 2 packages of GIGANTIC white Hanes Her Way briefs.  Yeah, sexy.  Not sure what he was thinking there.  Howerver, I had teased him about it and I thought we were done talking about it, so I was confused when it came up again.

Until this morning.  I opened my birthday presents (or to be accurate, my 3 year old opened them for me) to find - Surprise! - more underwear.  Sexy underwear.  Underwear that made me blush.  And a pair of briefs, just for good measure.  And, what do you know, one pair of good old bikinis.


Pineapple vodka, as promised

Here's what you need -

Some pineapple
Some vodka

If you are using canned pineapple, drain off the juice.  Use it for something, it's yummy.  If you are using fresh pineapple, cut it up.  Try not to injure yourself.  Throw the pineapple chunks into a jar and pour in vodka to cover.  The higher the pineapple to vodka ratio the stronger the pineapple flavor.  I like to completely fill the jar with pineapple before adding the vodka, but half full would probably work too.

In other news, I am still trying to get the blog pretty-fied.  I made an awesome header, but I can't get the effing thing to appear in the template . . .  ah well . . .


The inaugural post

Look at me, typing up the first post on my shiny new blog. I started this blog because there are many things that are a little too . . . PG13 . . . for my other blog. Mama needs to vent sometimes and the business blog is NOT the place for it. Obviously.

I was up in the air about what my very first post (how exciting, how historical!) should be

until . . .

I just concocted the absolute most perfect cocktail ever, well the best this week anyway.
Want the recipe?? of course you do.

Best Day Ever (the cocktail)

1 can of sprite (found in the back of the fridge)
1 shot (or more, whatever, I don't judge) pineapple vodka* plus a few chunks of pineapple

* want the recipe for pineapple vodka?? check back tomorrow.

Yum, yum and yum. This could be dangerous.